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Billing Items

1.01POS Item
1.04Flexi Treatment
1.06Beauty Unit
1.07Promotion suite
1.08Cash Voucher
1.09Group Buying / Gift Certificate

   Billing items    Billing items updating and redemption comparison    Billing items properties comparison

Master reports
All WeM reports will have a criteria page for user to select criteria for report display.
All WeM reports are able to view, print and export to excel.
Clients with file pool function are allowed to generate report in excel format to user file pool without holding up the system.
-POS Item master
-Treatment master
-Flexi Treatment master
-Deposit master
-Beauty unit master
-Promotion Suite master
-Product master
-Item master
-Item price master
-Volume discount master
-Group purchase / Gift Certificate redemption report
-Membership master
-Membership hold report
-Membership on leave report
-Membership extension report
-Membership expired report
-Monthly membership lapsed report


2.01Member record new, view, edit, delete
2.02Standard member fields
2.03Member fields display setup
2.04Unlimited user defined fields, fields can be displayed as text box, check box and radio button
2.05Member record input control
2.06New member duplication check
2.07Member basic search (selected fields)
2.08Member advanced search (all fields)
2.09 Member comment
- Record important matters that staff should be aware when servicing the member
2.10 Add comment to multiple member
- Input same comment to more than one member by one action
2.11Member comment analysis
2.12Print Member label
2.13Member Account Search
2.14Member Transaction Search
2.15Member Cumulative Payment Search
2.16Treatment Expiry Date Search
2.17Member Spending Trend Search
2.18Member Visit Trend Search
2.19Member Treatment Done Value Trend Search
2.20Member documents
2.21Member profile photo
2.22Member photos before and after treatment
2.23Active Inactive Member Search 
2.24Member Analysis - activeness and balance situation analysis
2.25Birthday Analysis SSA
2.26Member statistics - use graph to display member distribution
2.27Letter to member
2.28Member record amendment history
2.29Group member - If one member mistakenly create two member code, group member function can combine the transactions of the two member code into one
Member reports
All WeM reports will have a criteria page for user to select criteria for report display.
All WeM reports are able to view, print and export to excel.
Clients with file pool function are allowed to generate report in excel format to user file pool without holding up the system.
All WeM reports will have a criteria page for user to select criteria for report display.
All WeM reports are able to view, print and export to excel.
Clients with file pool function are allowed to generate report in excel format to user file pool without holding up the system.
-Member record report
-Member spending report
-Member visit statistics report
-Member report writer

Point of Sale

3.01Cashier Invoice
3.02Swap Invoice
3.03Installment and Settlement
3.04Invoice Search
3.05Member Account
3.07Item discount, invoice discount, member discount, volume discount and total discount
3.08Invoice remark
3.09Unlimited self defined payment method
3.10Swap reason
3.11Usage of swap items control
3.12Auto calculate swap value using list price or average price
3.13Auto calculate swap profit or loss
3.14User defined autogen invoice number sequence
3.15Reference invoice number
3.16Exchange Invoice
3.17Back Order and Collection
3.18Member retain product - Member purchase for later consumption use or pick up when needed
3.19Cash Closing
3.20Bottom price
3.21Expire (Auto,Manual)
3.22Grace period
3.24Auto expired + Auto extension
3.25Temporary Invoice
3.26Promotion message at Invoice
3.27Performance and Target
3.28Sales ranking
3.29Handle swap member unpaid item
3.30Analysis shop
3.31Upload payment documents for invoice
Sales reports
All WeM reports will have a criteria page for user to select criteria for report display.
All WeM reports are able to view, print and export to excel.
Clients with file pool function are allowed to generate report in excel format to user file pool without holding up the system.
-Invoice Journal     
-Item sales listing (8 reports - by nature, brand, promotion code, analysis code, shop, member, division and sales)
-Item sales report (8 reports - by nature, brand, promotion code, analysis code, shop, member, division and sales)
-Promotion suite sales listing
-Promotion suite sales report
-Best selling item report     
-Item sales discount report     
-Member installment payment report     
-Member Installment transactions report     
-Member backorder status report     
-Treatment journal     
-Favorite treatment done report     
-Member account report     
-At Member account report, add column of paid amount
-Member account transactions report     
-Expired transaction report     
-Expiry date extension report     
-Member installment report by item nature     
-Deposit payment report     
-Undo finish record report


4.016 Booking Tables (therapist table, room table, equipment table, individual therapist table, individual room table and individual equipment table)
booking tables, setup1, setup2, display sequence set the display method of therapist table display method of each page for booking table setting
4.02New/Modify booking, reconfirm booking, member arrive, Member ready and finish booking
4.03Undo reconfirm booking, Undo member arrive, undo ready and Undo finish booking
4.04Cancel booking, no show and remove booking
4.05Booking reminder, member comment, booking remark
4.06Same day move, change date, change treatment   [Setup], change to purchased treatment, change therapist and change room
4.07Available therapist, available room , available equipment , available time, busy theispat accept booking condition setting, busy room/ equipment accept booking condition setting
4.08Designated therapist (D), booking with multiple therapists (T), user defined booking icon @ * F ! # % ? -
4.09Reconfirm booking panel (R function), member Arrive panel (A function) and finish booking panel (F function)
4.10User defined information displayed in booking time slot, booking details, display member information on booking table setting, booking table display setting
4.11Member profile, member account details, member treatment history, member installment outstanding and member document
4.12$ payment reminder
4.13Print member account statement
4.14Finish booking + Redemption on prepaid items (auto assign), Finish booking + Redemption on prepaid items (manual select),
Finish booking + purchase done treatment, Finish booking + purchase package [Setup]
4.15Time out
4.16Booking Search
4.17Usage of unpaid items control
4.18Pop up alert member comment, booking reminder or installment record
4.19Booking History
4.20View Booking Control
4.21 Booking display and control setting
Staff view and edit booking control setting
Booking control :-   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
Finish and Undo finish past booking control,
Cancel past booking control,
Remove past booking control,
Book, modify, reconfirm, undo reconfirm, arrive, undo arrive, ready and undo ready past booking control,
Add time out and edit time out at past booking table control,
At past booking table same day move and change date control,
No show and undo no show past booking control,
Change past booking remark control,
Cancel Booking Rule,
Maximum booking hours control
4.22Regular Booking   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
4.23Overlap Booking   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
4.24Integrated Booking table   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
4.25Integrated with roster
4.26Integrated contact campaign
4.28Equipment management   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
4.29Control only qualified therapist to accept treatment booking
4.30Waiting list   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
4.31Sales projection based on member visit
4.32Handle cancel + redeem, no show + redeem
Booking reports
All WeM reports will have a criteria page for user to select criteria for report display.
All WeM reports are able to view, print and export to excel.
Clients with file pool function are allowed to generate report in excel format to user file pool without holding up the system.
-Print and excel therapist table, room table & equipment table
-Excel therapist + room table, therapist + equipment table, room + equipment table & therapist + room + equipment table
-Print and excel booking search list
-Print and excel booking history
-Therapist utilisation report
-Room utilisation report
-Equipment utilisation report
-Booking report writer   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
User can select any fields of booking and some selected fields of member to create own booking report.
Defined reports have criterias for report generation, can view, print, excel and direct excel output.
Reports can be defined for specific user group to view.
No limit on the number of self defined booking report. 
-Equipment master (Master report)


5.01Goods Receipt
5.04Auto product consumption
At finish booking, consumption products can be deducted automatically from inventory.
Consumption products include must consume products and user select consume products.
If consumption products is not being setup, user can add new consumption products.
Consumption product portion allow maximum 4 decimal places.
Inputted consumption products will create one consumption invoice recording date, member, therapist, treatment, consumable products and quantity.
Reports include Product consumption report by therapist, Product consumption report by treatment and Product consumptin report by item (consumption products).
5.05Stock Transfer
5.06Shop Request     
5.07Transfer Order
5.08Stock Take
5.09Import stock take record
5.10Repack   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
5.11Safety Stock
5.12Purchase Order
5.14Inventory costing using weighted average or FIFO
5.15Unit conversion - allows one product have 2 units namely inventory unit and consumption unit
Inventory reports
All WeM reports will have a criteria page for user to select criteria for report display.
All WeM reports are able to view, print and export to excel.
Clients with file pool function are allowed to generate report in excel format to user file pool without holding up the system.
-Stock Inquiry
-Stock Value Inquiry (costing method using weighted average or FIFO)
-Stock Value Inquiry (costing method using master cost, retail price and/or by lot)
-Product COGS report
-Goods receipt report
-Purchase cost amendment report
-Adjustment listing
-Consumption listing
-Transfer order report
-Transfer report
-Stock take variance report
-Product consumption report by therapist
-Product consumption report by treatment
-Product consumption report by item
-Product consumption variance report
-Inventory in out report
-Inventory movement report by retail value and cost value
-Inventory movement report
-Slow movement product report
-Inventory aging report
-Purchase order listing
-Vendor master (Master report)


6.01Promotion Code
6.02Analysis Code
6.03Price Particulars
6.04Buy Get
6.05Bulk Selection
6.06Member referrals program
6.07Bonus Point Scheme
6.08Cash Dollar Scheme
6.09Bonus Point by Treatment Done
6.10Email to member   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
6.11Contact member
6.12Trial member
6.13Auto upgrade by Spending
6.14Manual upgrade by Spending
Promotion reports
All WeM reports will have a criteria page for user to select criteria for report display.
All WeM reports are able to view, print and export to excel.
Clients with file pool function are allowed to generate report in excel format to user file pool without holding up the system.
-Promotion master (Master report)
-Member referral record report
-Member trial booking list
-Member trial booking list by consultant
-Member bonus point report
-Contact campaign analysis by campaign
-Contact campaign analysis by shop
-Contact campaign analysis by sales
-Contact campaign analysis by member


7.01Staff Master   
7.02Staff Shift
7.03Holiday / Rest day
7.04Statutory Holiday
7.05Public Holiday
7.06Staff Leave
7.07Send email to assigned person after leave application, approved, rejected and cancelled
7.08Staff Roster
7.09Staff Sign in - include wipe card sign in, input staff code and password sign in, issue staff card
7.10Staff Payroll   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
7.11Multiple Approved Staff Leave
Staff reports
All WeM reports will have a criteria page for user to select criteria for report display.
All WeM reports are able to view, print and export to excel.
Clients with file pool function are allowed to generate report in excel format to user file pool without holding up the system.
-User group access rights report
-Staff master report
-User login history report
-Leave report
-Staff attendance report
-Staff missing punch card report
-Staff attendance summary report


8.01 Standard Sales Commission calculations and report 
- calculate commission based on paid amount
- allow different item different sales group have individual commission % or fixed amount
- allow bank charge deductions on different payment method
8.02 Standard Therapist Wages calculations and report 
- allow different treatment different therapist group have individual commission % or fixed amount
- allow bank charge deductions on different payment method
8.03Sales Commission Calculations and reports
8.04Therapist Wages Calculations and reports
8.05Third part agent referral commission calculations and reports
Email agent commission report to agent in PDF

Invoice receipt

A4, A5, 80mm, A5 Portrait orientation, Dual A5 Portrait orientation with company logo (logo image provided by client)
9.01Cashier invoice   
9.02Swap invoice   
9.03Settlement invoice   
9.04Exchange return invoice   
9.05Collection invoice   
9.06Extension invoice   
9.07Treatment receipt   

Mobile System

10.01Member application form   
10.02Member record amendment form
10.03Survey form
10.04Consent form
10.05New member
10.06Search member
10.07Today birthday member
10.08Search invoice        
10.09New booking
10.10Reconfirm booking
10.11Arrive member
10.12Finish treatment
10.13Sign treatment receipt
10.14Consultant projection
10.15Business performance
10.16Company announcement
10.17Approve leave
10.18Staff leave calendar
10.19Inventory status inquiry
10.20Inventory availability inquiry
10.21Inventory transactions inquiry
10.22Transfer in
10.23Transfer in search
10.24Product consumption
10.25Apply own leave
10.26File pool
10.27Member photos before and after treatment


11.01Credit card collection
11.02Receipt register   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
11.03Petty cash - prepare, submit application, approval, payment and receipt acknowledgement
[** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
11.04Payment register   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
11.05Monthly recurring payment reminder   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
11.06Monthly Payment summary - include unpaid and paid items   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
11.07Credit card collection process by PayPal (subject to PayPal approval)

Account aided functions

12.01Account data summary    [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
Summarize item sales, collections, treatment done, treatment expired and backorder collection information in one page to faciliate accounting colleagues for easy recording
12.02Generate account entries    [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
Based on the information of account data summary, system will generate account entries in journal format After updating the chart of account, account entries can be used directly for accounting system

Email / SMS related functions

13.01 System notification
- When users view, print or export member record report or reports made by member report writer, the system will send email / SMS notification automatically.
- When users login system at non office hours, the system will send email / SMS notification automatically.
13.02 Booking send panel
Can send email or SMS to confirmed, reconfirmed and finshed booking's member.
13.03 Send after signature
When invoice, treatment receipt, collection and consent form is completed, will auto send email or SMS to member with attachment.
13.04 When booking finished, invoice issued will auto send email
When booking finished, undo finished, invoice issued, treatment receipt issued, exchange return invoice issued, settlement invoice issued, extension invoice issued, edit invoice completed and void invoice completed will auto send email to member.
13.05Cash Closing
When cash closing is done, is amended and upload deposit slip completed, will auto send email or SMS.
13.06Send through member search
Can send email or SMS to the result member of member basic search, advanced search, member account search, active / inactive search, cumulative billing / payment amount search, transaction search, item expiry date search, spending trend search, visit trend search, treatment done value trend search.
13.07Notification task
According to the activeness, spending, visit and all member fields as criterias to filter members for standard member notification.

System Control

14.01Access control with login and password
14.02Full access rights control
14.03Control of staff void invoice
14.04Shop manager discount password
14.05Display or not display product cost control
14.06Company Announcement
14.07Shop access right
14.08Wareshouse access right
14.09POS discount control   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
14.10One time management password   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
14.11Document closing
14.12View member fields access right
14.13Edit member fields access right
14.14View report access right
14.15Shop fixed IP
14.16SSL encryption
14.17Password policy

System Short cuts

15.01Today birthday member
15.02Apply own leave
15.03Today on leave staff
15.04Approve leave
15.05Recent full probation staff
15.06Staff leave calendar
15.07Product consumption panel   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]
15.08Print one time password   [** function for CE only, cannot operate in other editions]

Value add function features

17.01Chinese simplified interface
Wem System supports users to input english, traditional chinese and simplified chinese although the default languague interface is only english and traditional chinese.
In Simplified chinese interface, field names, images and alerts are displayed in simplified chinese and the inputted text language will not be changed.

Highlight functions

Direct excel file output to File Pool
If report size is great, it may takes time to generate report and holding up the system.
Direct excel output is function which can generate report without holding up the system.
User may use other functions in the system or even logout.
Reports generated will be output to own file pool.
Other users have no rights to view report of other user file pool.
File pool enable user to upload, rename and delete files in own file pool.
User can also copy files from own file pool to others.